Listen. Educate. Collaborate. Implement.

Entrepreneur’s Insurance Services works with business owners, executives, professionals and their families. We help you provide for and protect what matters most.

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“Defining Moment”: noun. definition: An occurrence that typifies or determines all related events that follow.

Why I Do What I Do -

Have you ever had a defining moment? Well, I have. It took place on the morning of February 22, 2001. I can still hear that dreaded tone in my mother’s voice as she called to inform me that her dear friend Peyton crashed his plane and did not survive. Receiving that call was shocking, but learning what would happen to his family and business was just as shocking. Shocking enough to change the direction of my career.

Since I began working in the financial services industry in 1995, my primary focus was on retirement and retirement planning. After seeing what can happen to a very successful business when there is no business succession plan, I was compelled to redirect my abilities to helping those who are successful and may need some assistance in navigating the planning process.

My passion is to help as many business owners and executives as possible to understand the importance of and to implement a business succession plans that can help their businesses and families continue to thrive even after a significant loss or disability.


We want to listen to you. What is important to you? Who do you care about? What are your concerns? By simply having a conversation, we can customize your needs and address
your concerns.


As we identify what is important to you, we help you understand the many facets of a comprehensive strategy.


Often times it is important to work with other professionals and specialist to insure that your plan is viable. Entrepreneur's Insurance Services will assist in coordinating a team of qualified professionals for a seamless and smooth solution.


Once the vision is clear and prioritized, we work to implement a plan that will serve you and those most important
to you.

The best way to serve the entrepreneur is to get to know the existing professional team and work synergistically to obtain a desired outcome.

What Matters Most?

There are three key components that address the immediate and basic concerns of an owner, executive leadership and key employees:

1. Human Capital

How will the business
successfully operate?

2. Business Continuation

Will the business have a smooth ownership transition and continue
as planned?

3. Talent Retention

What incentives are being used to recruit, retain, reward and encourage loyalty from - and security for essential employees?

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1. Human Capital

Key Person Life Insurance

The success of a business comes from more than the execution of a great plan or good ideas. One of the greatest assets of the business is one that is too often not protected. The disability or death of a key person could have catastrophic effects on the business. Key Person Insurance Helps to indemnify your business as a result of the death of a key person and the loss of that individual’s skills and expertise.

Disability Insurance

Many highly-compensated business owners and professionals believe that they cannot have disability income protection at the same percentage levels as their employees. Our goal to is to help you find the right amount of disability income replacement protection regardless of your health, occupation or income level.

2. Business Continuation

Buy-Sell Agreement Funding

An owner, partner or shareholder may become permanently disabled, get a divorce, die or retire. Any of these scenarios can cause a business to fail, fall into the hands of competitors or lose significant market value. A properly funded Buy-Sell Agreement can help you prepare for the continuation of your business and help ensure your family’s financial future and security. We like to refer to it as a “Business Pre-Nup” because the Buy-Sell agreement is a legal and binding contract that when properly executed will disburse funds to help stabilize a business at the time of a death, disability, divorce, retirement and more.

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Disability Business Buyout

The objective of Disability Buyout is to provide money to assist in the purchase of a disabled owner's interest in a business in the event of a long-term disability. Many firms have protection in case of an owner's death, but sometimes overlook the financial devastation that can occur as a result of disability. Flexible funding methods are available using lump-sum and/or monthly installment payments, which help to provide the funds to effect an orderly transfer of ownership.

Business Overhead Expense

When a business owner is the “rainmaker’ and is too sick or injured to work, that does not stop the expenses from coming due. Business Overhead Expense coverage reimburses a business for overhead expenses while the owner is unable to work. Some of the expenses covered include: rent or mortgage payments, utilities, leasing costs, laundry/maintenance, accounting/billing and collection service fees, business insurance premiums, employee salaries, employee benefits, property tax, and other regular monthly expenses.

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3. Talent Retention

Executive Benefits and Bonus

Many executives would like to save more for retirement than what is allowed in their qualified employer plan. Executive fringe benefits and bonus plans are popular because they do not discriminate against highly compensated executives. An employer benefits because select key employees can be rewarded in a way that is tax deductible. The employee benefits because he/she is rewarded with a way to accumulate income tax-free (under current tax laws), and provide a cash death benefit for beneficiaries.

Split Dollar Strategies

Split-dollar is not a type of life insurance, but a method of paying for life insurance. A typical plan splits the death benefit, premiums and ownership of a life insurance policy between an employer and an employee in a division that is predetermined by you. This strategy is very versatile and is often used as an executive benefit.

Supplemental Executive Retirement Solutions

Many business owners enhance their employee fringe benefits to place “golden handcuffs” on their key employees. A Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan (SERP) is a nonqualified plan that can provide enhanced retirement benefits for the executives you select. The appeal of nonqualified supplemental retirement plans is the ability to entice quality executives to stay with the business long term by making retirement benefits conditional and too worthwhile to leave behind.

Some qualified plans have lost a great deal of appeal for executives because government regulations restrict the amount of money a highly compensated person can contribute to a plan.




Life Insurance

Whole Life
Universal Life
Mortgage Life Insurance
Impaired Risk



Income Protection
Buy/Sell Agreement Buyout
Business Overhead Expense


Long Term Care

Group Long Term Care
Life/Long Term Care Hybrid
Annuity/Long Term Care Hybrid
Tax Advantaged Long Term Care



Single Premium Deferred Annuities (SPIA)



Lunch and Learns

Lunch and learns are mini lunchtime seminars designed to introduce and educate key employees to a variety of topics. These seminars can be a customized series or a one-time only event.


Workshops and Seminars for:

Women in Business


Policy and Document Review

Complimentary reviews are provided by qualified legal, accounting and financial professionals.


Beneficiary Review

Are your beneficiaries who you think they are?  Have you had some major life events or changes? This Complimentary review is designed to give you an up-to-date snapshot of your legacy plan.



Safe money alternatives: Our goal is to create proven wealth strategies where cash flow is generated (and according to the Internal Revenue Code) can be exempt from Federal Income tax.

Frequently Asked Questions

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387 Magnolia Avenue Ste. 103-130
Corona CA 92879 US

Phone: 877-655-7526
Fax: 877-655-7527

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Janise Graham is licensed in the following states: MN, TX and CA. CA insurance license 0C96732. The information or opinions contained in this internet site should be construed by any consumer and/or prospective client as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any insurance product. The information contained herein is directed solely to those individuals who reside in jurisdictions in which the representative is licensed in the state where the consumer and/or prospective client reside. Any subsequent direct communication with a consumer and/or prospective client shall only be conducted by a representative that is licensed in the state where the consumer and/prospective client reside. This information is not intended for use as legal or tax advice. Reference herein to any specific Tax or other planning strategy, process, product or service does not constitute promotion, endorsement or recommendation. Persons should consult with their own legal or tax advisors for specific legal or tax advice.

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